The Bible says that God “IS” two things:
1. God “is” LIGHT. (1 John 1:5)
2. God “is” LOVE. (1 John 4:19)
Trying to comprehend an INFINITE God with our puny little FINITE minds is nothing short of mind blowing! But lets take two minutes (if you have ‘em!) to at least give it a shot!
“...all of God’s attributes actually flow out of these two things.”
And the idea that He “IS” these two things is monumental! It means that these are two aspects of God’s essential nature. In other words, they are two things that both describe and define who God is. These are things that if they ever ceased to be true of God—would cause Him to cease to be God! And not only cease to be God—but cease to exist! Why? The simple fact that God “IS” these two things! God simply cannot be separated from Light and Love! And it‘s interesting, that when you step back from it, you begin to realize that all of God’s attributes actually flow out of these two things.
Let’s talk, first, about the fact that God ‘is’ LIGHT. 1 John 1:5 says: “This then is the message which we have heard of him, and declare unto you, that God is light, and in him is no darkness at all.” What‘s interesting, is the way Hebrews 12:29 describes this same quality! It says “our God ‘IS’ a CONSUMING FIRE.”
And are you catching the significance of those two aspects of His nature and essence? First, our God is Light that is so vast, it can literally lighten the entire universe! And yet at the same time, He is Light that is so powerfully focused, He is a laser that can and will consume anything and everything in its path!
And flowing out of the fact that God ‘is’ Light, are other tremendous attributes that are absolutely beyond our comprehension. The fact that He is a God who is supremely holy and righteousness... a God of justice and equitability... a God of judgment and vengeance... and a God of wrath! You don’t MESS with the God of the Bible!
But, praise the Lord, God “IS” something else! The Bible says in 1 John 4:19, that “God ‘is’ LOVE!”
And once again, flowing out of that tremendously glorious reality, come a myriad of other tremendous attributes that are likewise beyond our comprehension! The fact that our God is a God of grace... mercy... goodness... compassion... tenderheartedness... kindness... patience... forgiveness... peace... joy... and on and on and on! Hallelujah! No, you don’t wanna MESS with the God of the Bible, but you don’t wanna MISS Him either!
Perhaps we could say it this way... our God is a God of complete “otherness!” There simply is “no one”... or “no thing”... and “no being” anywhere close to being like Him! May our lives today reflect our glorious sense of awe in who He “is!”