Proverbs 22:4

Biblical Tidbit


Proverbs 22:4 is a dandy. 

The verse says: “By humility and the fear of the Lord are riches, and honour, and life.” In other words, the spiritual blessings God desires to give us are acquired by possessing the perfect balance of two key things: “humility” and the “fear of the Lord.”

And biblically, it’s interesting that “humility” and the “fear of the Lord” go hand in hand. Here’s how...

One of the key ways to be brought to a place of genuine humility, is seeing ourselves for who we really are. But the key to seeing ourselves for who we really are, is seeing the Lord for who He really is! And the key to seeing the Lord for who He really is—is beholding Him in all of His majesty and glory, through the pages of the word of God. And seeing the Lord in all of His majesty and glory, is what causes us to possess a healthy fear of the Lord!

And the fact is, until we fear the Lord, we will continue to be preoccupied with thoughts about ourselves (2 Tim. 3:1-2). I like the way Andrew Murray said it: “Humility is not thinking meanly of ourselves; it is not thinking of ourselves at all.”