“...this key opens the eyes of our understanding in the WORD of God”
Have you ever heard of the “Key of David?”
That’s the question I asked to kick off our study this morning with this new group of pastors we are training in the Passion Center for Pastors In Mulanje, Malawi, Africa.
With approximately 200 pastors and church leaders in attendance, not one of them had ever heard of it! Actually, I wasn’t surprised. There are very few in our country who have heard of it as well!
And yet, it is one of the most significant things we could ever have in our possession! Because biblically, this key opens the eyes of our understanding in the WORD of God... and opens doors of opportunity in the WORK of God.
The Muslims have targeted Malawi to be the first Muslim nation in Sub-Sahara Africa. If Malawi will be reached for Christ before they totally take it over, the pastors, leaders and churches throughout Malawi must possess the key of David! Would you please pray that they will?
I taught about this key all day today, and the three pastors that are with me (Ray A. Stewart, Code Blaise and Lee Ridings) each gave a personal testimony about the Key of David in their lives as the wrap-up. I must say, I couldn’t have written a more perfect script! I believe it was exactly what the Malawi pastors needed to hear! I was blessed out of my mind! Thank you so very much for praying today.
And by the way, if you have interest in the Key of David, or the Keys of Bible Study that are being taught to Malawi pastors, the English version in book form is due to be released in six weeks! I’m pretty excited about it!