The Mark Trotter Devotional Series Vol 1
Mark Trotter, beloved pastor and author, spent many years writing and posting his daily devotionals. The Trotter Family and the Living Faith Bible Institute have curated those devotionals into a series of volumes. Read ninety of Mark’s challenging yet light-hearted reflections on God’s word and be ready to grow in your faith.
52 Weeks of Pursuit
Mark Trotter’s beloved two volume 52 Weeks of Pursuit is now available in one single volume. An in-depth weekly guide from Genesis through Revelation containing doctrinal insight that will inspire and challenge you in your faith. Available in paperback and hardback.
“I find myself driven by a passion to leverage the things God has graciously taught me in over four decades of ministry to bring Him the maximum glory. I have positioned my life to become a resource for pastors, and to provide written resources for churches with a view toward sound doctrine—and our ultimate accounting at the Judgment Seat of Christ.”
- Pastor Mark Trotter
The 2024 Mark Trotter Memorial Scholarship Fund
The Mark Trotter Memorial Scholarship is intended to identify young preachers, teachers, and leaders who share Mark’s character, values, and passions and provide them with a biblical education to support their growth.
Learn how you can promote Mark’s legacy by supporting future like-minded leaders.

Learn to Unlock your Bible
52 Weeks of Pursuit
Pastor Mark Trotter’s two volume set is an in-depth weekly guide from Genesis through Revelation containing doctrinal insight that will inspire and challenge you in your faith. 52 Weeks will benefit the new bible student as well as the bible scholar. A perfect companion for any church, small group or individual that desires to cultivate a pursuit of God through the pages of His word.
Reviews of 52 Weeks of Pursuit
“...a tremendous tool that God will use to shape your life.”
“Spend a year with Pastor Trotter and not only will you go deeper in the word but your walk with God will be greatly enriched in the process.”
“ I’ve tried many resources to encourage our members to read the Bible daily. I have found the 52 Weeks of Pursuit to be the most effective tool to encourage our church to pursue the Lord each day through His Word.”
“Mark Trotter has delivered us a tool for the Holy Spirit to use profoundly in our souls.”